Search occupation

In this dialogue it is possible to search for occupational titles available in the central database. In the screenshot below, various entries such as agricultural technician, dental technician, etc. are listed in the upper window after pressing the "Filter" button (alternatively via keyboard with "Alt-F"). A + sign at the beginning of an occupational title indicates a so-called upper occupational group, which represents a fuzzy data selection. For epidemiological evaluations, however, a precise (i.e. sharp and exact) occupation is necessary. Please select a precise value such as agricultural engineer and accept it by pressing the "OK" button at the bottom left of the occupation search dialogue.

In the lower dialogue window, optional occupations are displayed that could possibly be relevant in connection with the search term technician. If necessary, please select an exact value here and accept it by pressing the "OK" button at the bottom left of the occupation search dialogue.