Program Updates
Please read the following information before installing the program. The program updates will not affect previously entered cases or readings. Please execute the program updates immediately upon receipt.
Export of Partially Anonymous Data
The partially anonymous data is often confused with the back-up diskette required to repair the database in an emergency. The data export merely extracts general data regarding patient anamnesis, tests, readings, reactions and relevance to be sent to the ESSCA-DC for analysis.Patients' personal data are not included due to privacy protection reasons.
Database Backup
The backup saves of the data (including personal patient information) in the database on a floppy disk (or other suitable media, i.e. ZIP-disk)and serves as a local "Backup Copy", that can be used to repair the database in the case of an emergency (damage to your computer). The data is password protected, to prevent its misuse.
To ensure data protection, a back-up should only be sent to the technical support in extreme emergencies (e.g. a defective hard-drive) or special situations, (e.g. to facilitate a new installation).
Department Test Series and Tests of Patient's Own Substances
Each department has their own test series (Series Numbers 401 to 899), which may serve to supplement an existing DKG-test series or to test a specific type of allergen. These test series are entered and updated on-seite by the your own department. Tests of materials supplied by the patients themselves (Series Numbers 900 to 999), i.e. cosmetics, occupational materials or gloves, must be entered for each individual patient and are only good for this patient. Statistical analysis of these unique tests series are – in contrast to the department test series - very difficult, and therefore nearly impossible to implement.
Defining New Substances
Department test series can be entered in the "Utilities?" menu (menu option: "Test Series Administration")of the main WinAlldat/ESSCA program. New substances can be entered while editing a test series by entering the substance name into the appropriate test series row, whereupon program will search for a matching substance. If no match is found in the existing substance catalog, a new substance can be entered. In order to enter a new substance, scroll to the very top of the selection window or typing the first two characters of the phrase "((New substance))", in other words the two open parentheses. Clicking on this text opens the window for entering a new substance, which will be permantly stored in the central substance database.